How to run partial testSuite using selenium webDriver

Ramesh M's picture
Ramesh M asked on June 21, 2019 - 3:37am | Replies (2).

There are 100 test cases under regreesion suite. But i would like to run only 10 test cases. How this can be performned using selenium webDriver.

2 Answers

Nandini S's picture
Nandini S replied on March 31, 2023 - 1:11pm.

To run a partial test suite using Selenium WebDriver, you can use the TestNG testing framework which provides a way to group and run tests. Here are the steps to do so:


1.Create a new TestNG test suite and include the tests you want to run as a group.


2.Use the TestNG annotation @Test(groups = "<group name>") to group your tests.


3.Open your Selenium WebDriver script and add the @Test(groups = "<group name>") annotation to the test methods you want to include in the group.


4.In the TestNG XML file, add the following code to run the group:



Copy code

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">

<suite name="Partial Test Suite">

  <test name="Partial Test">



        <include name="<group name>"/>




      <class name="<class name>"/>




5.Replace <group name> with the name of the group you want to run and <class name> with the name of the Java class containing the test methods.


6.Run the TestNG XML file using a TestNG runner or by right-clicking on the XML file and selecting "Run as TestNG Suite" in your IDE.


By following these steps, you can run a partial test suite using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG, allowing you to selectively run tests based on groups, rather than running the entire test suite.




Priti Gaikwad's picture


Here are some tips for running a partial test suite using Selenium WebDriver:

  1. Use test frameworks like TestNG or JUnit to group your test cases into different test suites or categories.
  2. Use the @Test annotation with the groups parameter to assign test cases to specific groups. This allows you to selectively run specific groups of test cases.
  3. Create an XML file to define the test suites and include or exclude specific groups of test cases as needed.
  4. Use the command line or your IDE to run the test suites or individual test cases by specifying the XML file and the test class or test case names.
  5. Use a test runner tool such as Maven or Gradle to manage and execute your test suites.
  6. Use a Continuous Integration (CI) tool such as Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI to automatically run your test suites after each code commit.
  7. Use a cloud-based testing platform such as Sauce Labs or BrowserStack to run your test suites on different browsers and operating systems.

By following these tips, you can efficiently run partial test suites and ensure that your web application is thoroughly tested before release.

Read also: Selenium Webdriver: Tutorial - What, Why & How to Automate Testing!

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